(716) 249-0994

Hormone Health for Weight Loss Success

High Level One on One Coaching


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ready to finally understand your body?

My GLOW Method for Hormone Balanced Weight Loss

The all in one, high level coaching experience you need to go from overweight, confused, and overwhelmed to body confidence while in total control!

You were made for more than feeling overwhelmed, unhappy, and unsure about your female body

Tell me, does this sound like you?

You are a successful, driven, and highly motivated woman who often feels stressed-out, burned-out, and overwhelmed.

You’re exhausted, experiencing mood swings, and gaining weight…you just know there’s something ‘off’ and every doctor has told you this is just a part of getting older, being a mom, or just stress

Your body is changing, what used to work isn’t working anymore and even though everything looks okay from the outside, inside you feel like you’re spinning out of control (mind, body, and spirit.)

You’re sick and tired of dealing with brain fog, weight gain, problematic periods, and always feeling bloated. You're ready to finally take back control over your health.

You don’t have time to do any more research, you’re frustrated when the doctors review your labs and say everything’s ‘fine’, and you know that if you could just find someone who would listen to you, you could thrive once again.

Look, you’ve tried so hard and waited long enough. It’s time to get the help you need from a coach who actually cares, to get the results you absolutely deserve.

You deserve a hormone-balancing approach to achieve body confidence

Can you imagine...

Finally feeling seen and heard when you talk about the mood swings, insomnia, period problems, unexplained weight gain, and irritability because the woman you’re talking to has experienced it all before too.

Fully understanding why you’re feeling the way you are, and learning exactly how your emotions, nutritional intake, and stress levels impact your hormones, metabolism, and overall health.

Having the unlimited support of a coach working with you to get you to your optimal health, eating more than you ever have before, getting better rest, feeling less stressed, and having the support of a community of women on the same journey as you.

Losing weight, dropping inches, feeling stronger, and seeing your body change for the better, all the while feeling fully energized and ridiculously confident because what you’re doing is working.

It’s not your fault you haven’t experienced incredible results while enjoying food and lifestyle freedom.

The diet industry has kept these 3 myths working against you…

Losing weight means eat less & exercise more

Losing weight and maintaining your results IS about calories in and calories out. But it’s also about a whole lot more. It’s about mindset, it’s about hormonal health, it’s about the way the body works and the way we work our bodies. If something is out of whack inside, it doesn’t matter how few calories you eat or how many calories you burn. Traditional programs rarely look under the hood to get a full picture. This is what keeps you feeling stuck.

Once you hit 35, weight gain & hormone imbalance is just part of aging

There is no specific age where everything just becomes impossible. Not 30. Not 40. Not even 50. Now, at age 39, I’m in the absolute best shape of my life and I foresee it only getting better from here! You can choose to be in the best health of your life at any age and we are here to show you how! Don't let doctors tell you that your labs are fine when deep inside you know something is going on. I truly believe that you know your body better than anyone else. You live in it every day!

Weight loss means sacrificing it all and has to be hard

You can have it all. Healthy body, healthy mind, healthy relationships, and a healthy career/business/bank account all at the same time. When you know exactly what your body needs and how to incorporate those needs into a seamless system that becomes a lifestyle plan, you can get everything you deserve and more. Society wants you to believe life’s about choosing this or that. I believe it’s about getting everything you want and more.

But look, I totally get it. I more than understand your frustration. I’ve heard all of those myths before myself and I’ve been around the block (more than once) too.

I am not your average health coach, and this is NOT your average coaching experience.

I’m Stephanie, and I speak on issues surrounding women’s health, while practicing as a holistic wellness coach and a certified personal trainer. But my passion lies in helping women like you reclaim your inborn confidence, health and well being.

I’m not like most health coaches and personal trainers, though. I am not a one-size-fits-all guide.

My specialty is taking a complete look at what’s going on in your body and emotions prior to assigning a solution to you.

Why’s that? Because every woman is different. Not every diet or fitness regime is going to work the same for every woman.

I’ve learned through trial and error that the human body is both precious and complex. And sometimes, even the most well-intentioned experts do harm when they don’t take into consideration all of the factors at play within a woman’s body before giving their recommendations.

My GLOW Method is the scientifically proven way to lose weight, balance your hormones, and restore your body to its optimal health from the inside out. No more guessing, no more confusion, no more piecing things together. It's my mission to get to the root of the issues causing your weight gain, mood swings, brain fog, irritability, insomnia, GI issues, and more. I'm here to help you make a massive shift in how you look and feel using a holistic approach that is customized to your needs and lifestyle.

My Glow Method program is designed exxlusively for women who...

  • You want to completely overhaul your health and take your life back

  • You are sick and tired of staying up night after night, spending hours reading online articles trying to figure out what’s wrong with you.

  • You’re busy and don’t have time to be in and out of doctor’s offices for the next five years while they ‘try’ to find a solution.

  • You have no idea where to begin or how to get started and you just want someone to tell you the steps and guide you through the process of reclaiming your health.

  • You know there is a solution out there, you are willing to try something new, and you’re looking for a guide to lead you to ultimate success in this brand-new world.

Don't worry, I can help! If you’ve been looking for a coach who is an expert in hormone balanced weight loss to take you by the hand and usher you directly into your ultimate success, this is it!

Let me be clear

My GLOW method for hormone balanced weight loss is not for women who are...

  • Looking to lose a quick 10 lbs doing some sort of restrictive diet or drastically slashing calories

  • Are busy playing the blame game and making every excuse in the book for why they can't achieve everything they desire

  • Are expecting everything to be handed to them and that by throwing cash at the problem it will simply go away…it won’t…not if you don’t do the work.

  • Are afraid to be vulnerable and want to hide when things get tough instead of being vulnerable and leaning into a coach who whole-heartedly supports you without judgement

Let me be very clear, this is not a cookie-cutter, one-and-done program. You will have to dig deep, trust the process, and do the work. I am 100% in it for the long-haul and I expect you to feel the same way!

Real Results - Real Women

If you're ready for results like these...

I'm ready for you!

I take the work I do very seriously, and I expect my clients to do the same.

Consideration for my high level coaching program, The GLOW Method, is by application only.

Please complete this application in its entirety to be considered for selection into the GLOW Method.

High Level

Hormone & Weight Loss Coaching


Frequently Asked Questions

What happens after I apply?

I will reach out to you via text within 48 hours if I think you’re a good fit for the program. After completing your eval, you will be send a video recorded review from me straight to your cellphone. You will also be offered a chance to hop on a 30-45 minute discovery call with me.

What's included in your program?

LOTS! A custom nutrition and workout plan, along side any customized hormone-specific protocols built directly with your goals in mind. You will also be asked to complete a check in weekly where you will receive video feedback from me so we can stay on top of your goals and make adjustments. You will also receive in person/zoom/phone calls with me monthly and direct access to text me for support between your sessions.

How long is your coaching program?

Minimum of 16 weeks, but most clients choose to stay much longer and have the option to participate on a month to month basis after their minimum number of weeks has passed.

How much weight should I expect to lose?

It really depends.  I cannot guarantee weight loss for every client but I can guarantee you will walk away better than when you started. I’d say on average clients can lose 5-30 pounds depending on if they need to lose weight and their metabolism is ready for it.

I have a history of disordered eating. Will this program be a good fit for me?

This is ultimately up to us to see if you’re in the right space for the program.  Let's set up a call and see what will work for you!

Watch My Free Training

Master the Art of Balancing Hormones

for Weight Loss Success